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Irvington Village Hall Plaza Re-Design

As part of the New Tappan Zee Bridge project, NYS offered grant money to 4 towns flanking the two ends of the bridge. The money was intended to make way-finding easier in these towns, so that new bridge-crossers could find local "things to do" more easily. Irvington decided to focus on Village Hall, which houses Village Offices, the Town Hall Theater, Village Court and the Police Station in an historic building that was recently restored.


The plan: re-design the plaza surrounding Village Hall to be more welcoming, with new signs and places to sit, and with clearer sightlines to the various entryways.  My team was awarded the contract for developing the design, and my company handled the planting.

Key elements of our design:

  • Keep the new plaza in harmony with the historic architecture; let the beautiful building shine

  • Eliminate the wide planting beds surrounding the building

  • Make the historic "font" - a stone trough that used to be located on Broadway - a feature of the space

  • Install a raised planting bed next to the Police Station 

  • Include new planting beds beside the grand entry steps

  • Re-grade the plaza and adjoining sidewalk areas to be more pedestrian-friendly, including re-designing the cross walks to include ADA-compliant bump-outs

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