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26 Steps Project


One goal was to tackle the steps and make them safe.  Another was to make the most of the front and side yards, since they are the only areas flat enough for outdoor play. Curb appeal was also important.


The design:

  • a wide L-shaped terrace at the front creates usable space and a more functional entry

  • an intermediate landing acts as a "choice point" between steps down to the driveway or the flat walkway to the street

  • Re-grading the side yard creates a flat area for play

  • New terrace walls add levels in the front yard and curves to play off the many straight lines

  • Concrete pavers and steps are cost-effective materials.  These steps don't need below-the-frost-line footings, helping to keep installation costs within reason

  • Using natural stone as the third element and exposing ledge softens and harmonizes the differing concrete colors

© Copyright Ann Acheson 2020
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